Friday, March 28, 2008

Why this is called "The Oho Report"

This is in response to a question I received from Nancy of "Sublime Transitions"

NaNcY said...
interesting stuff.hey, i was wondering about the name of your blog... i get the first O and the H being the initials of your name...but, what is the last O for?

When looking for what to name my Blog, the "THE OTTO REPORT" was already taken and has multiple listings on the Internet (one is a jeweler in NYC and another is a report on WWII German war crimes).

Officially OHO is (O) Otto (H) Haugland (O) online but in reality it comes from:

Whenever I go to SUPERCUTS they write my name down "Otto". Then the person who will cut my hair reads the hand written tag sheet and announces to those of us waiting "Oho".

I once was waiting with an Asian guy and they walked right up to him and said "Oho". When I stood up they exclaimed "I thought you would be David". I didn't want to lose my place in line so I had to tell them "No I am Oho".

Things I learned being a Popsicle Man

In High School I sold Popsicles for two summers in a former meter-maid vehicle (motorized three wheeler)

I soon learned that you sell more to poor people than you do the well to do.

You sell more in the first week of the month than the three remaining weeks combined. Sadly it
had to do that welfare checks came out the first of the month.

Selling to men at construction sites was more profitable than neighborhoods.

You get a fabulous “farmer’s tan”.

You sell more on a sunny moderate Spring Saturday than you do on a hot August day (summer anticipation)

You sell more between 7 PM and sundown than during the noon to 7 PM time slot (both parents and most kids are closer to home)

People who still have their Christmas lights up on their houses in the summer, will never buy Ice cream.

Driving by an outdoor boy scout jamboree is Popsicle Man heaven.

Never tell a customer how much you made on your very best sales day, they will never buy from you again.

When a kid says their Dad said they could use Dad's prized coin collection to buy Ice Cream, the kid is lying.

If a kid is trying to steal ice cream with a toy bat, it is OK to take the bat away from them. It is not OK to then carry the bat in your cart as a souvenir.

Kids will clean out all loose change in a house. The parents never have anything left for Coin Star.
Forgetting your music is still on is a social miss step and can be embarrassing.

You soon learn to predict the weather.

You always hope there are lots of apartments on your route

Quote from my Dentist:
"If you sell to the masses you will live with the classes, but if you sell to the classes you will live with the masses"

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Men Falling in Love Faster than Women

Starting with a quote:

"One out of every four men believes he's in love on the first date with the special woman . But only one out of six-plus women thinks she is in love even by the Fourth date" Jane Barr Stump, PhD.

The image portrayed by the media is the opposite of the above. It also is opposite of what I thought when I was younger.

Twenty years ago a singles pastor told me that he was having trouble when talking with men and women that had recently started dating. He said the men were further along on the relationship road than women were. I have since heard it multiple times from pastors, Psychologists, counselors, books and from my female friends.

I am not immune to this phenomenon. I have twice pursued women that had no interest in me. Either at the exact moment, or a short time later, after I had given up, they started liking me.

I believe this is because men, and I, compartmentalize everything and when a women fits the image of what we are looking for we start falling pretty quickly.

On the lighter side:
Re quoted from the Mt. Hermon 2008 Christian Writers Conference,
"I might not be much , but I am all I think about"

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Absence and Love

Wednesday I returned home from the Mt. Hermon writers conference, filled with excitement and fatigue from the trip. A lot happened during the conference; a publisher is excited about my book proposal concept and L.L. Barkat helped me set up my blog.

I was apprehensive of what to do to set this up and L.L. was an answer to prayer. Also the encouragement of Mark Goodyear was much appreciated.

Today I spent the last hour looking through my file drawer of collected articles and statistics. I was fascinated by what I was reading. Everything I read was good but not the perfect post for today. I finally decided that I would post the two things below to get started:

Quote from French Sage, Compte De Bussy-Rabutin: "Absence is to love what wind is to fire: it extinguishes the small, it en kindles the great."

On The Lighter Side: Many a wife knows how many shoes her husband has, but a rare husband knows how many shoes his wife has.

I will post my favorite quote early next week.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Welcome to the Oho Report

Growing up with three sisters and three brothers, I noticed that my sisters did and thought things differently than my brothers and I. At a young age I started trying to figure out these differences and also wanted to figure out the relationships in my life.

In my fairly liberal college, based on a challenge from a friend's fiancee, I took a "Women's Studies" class. Now, I collect relationship trivia, articles, survey results, and I read multiple books on the subject of relationships. Through the Oho Report, I'll share all this with the world.

The picture above is from 1999