Monday, April 28, 2008


In a study done in Cincinnati, in the early 90's, "Women understate their weight by an average of five to ten pounds and understated their age by an average of three years. Men also understated their age by three year and overstated their height by two inches.

In a three city investigation, of those that used personal ads to meet members of the opposite sex, 35 percent of them were already married.

A study of applications at dating services show men most frequently want to meet women that are attractive, warm and at least five years younger. And women look for men that are ready to make a commitment, successful and taller.

Photograghs in personal ads benefit the sender more than the receiver. The common response, "she/he's seen my picture and is still willing to go out with me. Amazing!". Or something like that.

Two Weeks Off

I am delinquent on recent postings. I did my taxes, dealt with family drama over my Dad's eightieth birthday gathering, took pictures with my new digital camera and finally put all my miscellaneous relationship statistics and articles into an organized filing system.

Trivia, my dad was born the same day that Shirley Temple (Black) was born. She turned 80 last Wednesday, April 23.

In writing past postings I always had this feeling that I had another statistic or article somewhere related to this same subject. Recently when I found a statistic on a subject I had already written on I would write a new posting with the same heading used in the past but put a #2 or #3 etc on it. Instead I decided I better get all this loose paper into files to be more organized.

With this filing all done, and getting my taxes off too, WOW, I now have this clutter burden and deadline off my mind.

My original goal was to get all my statistics and articles in order and then just start posting them as each file came up. My thoughts were to post them alphabetically. That sounds like a great idea but "abortion" and "adultery" were the first two files. Now it looks like I will be going in more of a random order from my files`. Adultery and abortion will be handled at a later time.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Adam and Eve, If Only One Had Fallen

On Sunday my adult Sunday School class took a week off from our series on temptation and did a week on "original sin". Our teacher, Regan, turned 50 this week, so instead of preparing another lesson it appears he took this one out of his file.

We read in Genesis the story where Satan tempts Eve, Eve consumes and then offers to Adam, then Adam consumes. The question was raised, "What would have happened if only Eve had fallen and Adam refused". The comments and topics from the audience then went all over the place.

I decided to ask, "What if Satan had tempted Adam first, would Eve have refused". There were a lot of groans in the audience and it kind of ended the discussion, class was almost over anyway so we went to prayer time.

I thought about this question and realized that we will never know the answer until heaven.

In looking over other examples in the bible, Sarah and Abraham (Ishmael), Moabite temptress women and the men of Israel, Jezebel (evil instigator) and Ahab (evil compliant), multiple wives of Solomon and Sapphira and Ananias (most historians and commentators believe Sapphira was the instigator of their property sale partial donation).

In reading the bible I see a theme that when men fall, the woman don't always follow, but when the women fall the men always follow. Maybe in his evil wisdom Satan had a reason to go to Eve first, just maybe.

This is an item I don't have scheduled for my book, I might later change my mind.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Men Getting Credit for Women's Ideas

-True, Edward Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine.

Rural folk understood the principle much earlier. A former milkmaid, in fact, told Jenner she couldn't get smallpox because she'd had cowpox. That showed him the way to go.

-A Georgia belle named Mrs. Catherine Littlefield Greene conceived of the idea for the cotton gin, designed it, perfected it , financed it and marketed it. Such is now known.

That she got Eli Whitney to help her put the thing together is also in the record.

Men Falling in Love Faster than Women II

Magazine pollster quote in the Seattle Post Intelligencer (P.I.) 12/27/2000:
"Only one out of three older women say they've been in love with a younger man. But two out of three young men say they have been in love with older women".

The paper adds "This supports the claim that young men are more romantic but less realistic than young women".

This goes along with the March Blog post on the same subject, to be continued...

The Briliance of Women

A few year back I started a book "Biblical Etiquette for Singles', actually the working title at that time was the "The Wisdom of Boaz". It was going to be based on the things we can learn from the wise ways that Boaz treated Ruth (Book of Ruth, in the Bible).

I had 26 principles and one of the principles, and chapters, was relying on "The Wisdom of Women". I started on this chapter first, giving many other examples from the bible and my personal life.

Just the outline was getting lengthy so I decided that after the Boaz book I would write a book titled "The Wisdom of Women". I told others of my plans and every woman I spoke with said, "forget Boaz and get that wisdom of women book written".

I have been working on this project for four years and this is now my journey, to write a book titled the "Brilliance of Women". I have 142 women of the bible picked out , my goal is to have a total of 144, all about the brilliant decisions these women made. I will pick up the Boaz book project at a later date.

The groupings of their brilliant decisions, by chapter, are listed below:

The Brilliance of Women
1. Predictive nature of intuition
2. The Wisdom of women
3. Courageous beyond the call of duty
4. Followed God’s direction
5. Drawn to Faith
6. The lost art of hospitality
7. Generous beyond measure
8. Faithful
9. Positive influence on children
10. Draws others to God
11. Going the extra mile with service
12. The gift of encouragement
13. Wise leadership
14. Persistence, persistence, persistence
15. Loyalty with substance
16. Wisdom during warfare
17. Civilize the uncivilized man
18. The Brilliant nature.

Two publishers and two agents are moderately interested in this project. I promised one of the publishers two chapters by June 1st, 2008. I currently have the two chapters in a "Term Paper" style and am working to change them into "second person narrative" style. The publisher wants to see both styles.

I will regularly be putting book updates on this Blog, or setup a new blog dedicated to this project.