Monday, June 30, 2008

In the World But Not of the World

Last weekend I decided to attend a secular singles event. I heard about it from a woman I met at a business networking luncheon. I passed it to a friend and we recruited others. The others couldn't make it so I went with my good friend Laurie.
It was a unique evening. As we were looking for parking all we saw were well dressed women and no men. When we got inside it was pretty close to the same, maybe 300 women and 50 to 60 guys.

I don't know if others of you get this feeling when you go into a Casino but those were the feelings I was getting as I was there that evening. Like this isn't where I belong

Fortunately the first two women I met were Christians: I was probably 15 to 25 years older than them. I talked with them for a long time and then Laurie joined us. One of these two gals said "it is like a boob fest around here".

I felt out of place as I talked with others; I talked with a few women I knew through my Christian circles. They wished they hadn't come. Other than them I didn't meet any other Christians.

What was hard was the MC for the evening was a 6" black woman, who used to be a man. He/she had a woman's figure and had a "potty mouth". This person had picked a stage name of "Poisoned Waters"; this name was so fitting.

It was difficult to listen to him/her. Most of the audience was very accepting of this person.

The celebrity portion of the evening were local sports figures, TV news anchors or weather people, actresses and business owners. They had collected donations from local businesses and the audience bid on a date with the celebrity along with the donated items.

The first Package went for $500 and the last package went for $5,200. There were a lot of sensual overtones to the auction. With the ratio of men and women being skewed, the women bid up the men dates way beyond reason.

One bright spot was a local TV weather woman who made it clear she was a Christian. The items she had collected were also amazing. I didn't plan on bidding so I was too slow on the draw with my number "901". I felt they prematurely closed bidding on her package. That segment was then over.

Then the evening got tacky. Three firemen volunteered to be auctioned off to the highest bidder, It became like a "Chip and Dale" routine. Then two women volunteers to be auctioned off for dates. The overtones to this portion got bad, I started getting ready to leave.

After attending this I decided I need to be more ambitious in my Christian circles and stay away from these secular events. I also plan on staying away from places that give me that "Casino Feeling"

I received a group of pictures from someone connected to this event. The picture below was the only one I felt was conservative enough to post. The others showed a lot of skin. It was held in empty space on the 35th floor of a Seattle downtown high rise.

What gives you that "Casino Feeling'?


Llama Momma said...

Ah, yes. The "casino feeling." Unfortunately, mine is completely off. I grew up fundamentalist, so only after many years of therapy have I been able to NOT get that feeling at the movies, music store, heck, even a classical music concert!

This event sounds just awful. Glad you made it out in one piece!

Anonymous said...

the Christian woman with the nice package to offer and you...the two of you were shining lights in the darkness.

the darkness needs the light.

it is not pretty,
it is not comfortable,
so many are lost in the darkness
Lord have mercy upon us all.

you did fine.
just keep shining the light.

every little light shining allows others to see.

you went there and you ended up giving more than you know.

The Oho Report said...

Llama Momma,
Your upbringing sounds similar to mine. I remember when my dad was on a business trip and my mom took us to a matinee of "The Sound of Music".

We ran into an elder of a siater church in the denomination, who probably went to a matinee to not be seen. He turned the brightest red I have ever seen, before or since.

The Oho Report said...

Thanks for your encouragement.

My only regret was there were conservative looking women I didn't interact with. With the venue it tainted everything.

Llama Momma said...

Not **gasp** the sound of music!? :-0

It's incredibly sad to me what some people do in the name of God. Incredibly sad.

Anonymous said...

I recently got the "casino feeling" at a baby shower of all places. The mom-to-be, who has a loving Christian family, has a great many worldly friends, it would seem. One look at my summer dress as compared her friends' short- bottomed/low-topped denim outfits,and it was clear that this was not my crowd. The progression of the afternoon confirmed this. But it also confirmed the light and salt principle.

The Oho Report said...

A. Anjeanette,
Keep up the "salt" work. I wish these women, knew how they dressed is perceived by men.